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I had purchased the "T-800 {Endoskeleton}" figure mainly because I missed out on NECA's first offering under their "Cult Classics Series 3" line. According to NECA's website, it states that "the still-terrifying Endoskeleton has a newly tooled head and improved articulation, with over 20 moving parts and a Plasma Rifle accessory." What isn't mentioned is the exclusion of the highly detailed "Future War Base" that was found packaged with the "Cult Classics" Endoskeleton figure. Despite NECA's tantalizing description of their "new and improved" T-800 {Endoskeleton}, their execution was extremely lacking.
Flavor Text:
Specs: Model T-800 {Endoskeleton}
- Features SKYNET's most advanced control system
- Fully armored in a hyper-alloy sheath around vital areas
- Frictionless bearings in its joints allow the unit to maneuver through its range of motions faster than previous models
- In the event of critical damage, a secondary power source allows the unit a margin of time to complete its mission
- When set to autonomous mode, it can "learn" like a human being, actually becoming more efficient as time goes on"

The Good:- The details of the T-800 {Endoskeleton} (pistons and wires found all over the body) are pretty spot on from what I remember from "Terminator 2: Judgment Day".
- A total of 21 points of articulation: (partially) swivel head, swivel/hinged shoulders, swivel "biceps", hinged elbows, swivel wrists, (limited) swivel waist, (partially) swivel legs, hinged knees, (partially) hinged feet, (open/close) "abdominal area" flap, and (open/close) "shoulder blades". I really don't understand why the Endoskeleton even has those movable parts (referring to the abdominal area and shoulder blades).
The Bad:
- The paint application on the T-800 {Endoskeleton} isn't that good. There are random stray (and quite visible) black marks.
- Lack of [working] accessories. It's definitely a great idea to include two [right] hands: 1x grasping the plasma rifle and 1x netural grip. However, the execution failed miserably. The pre-posed grip can't even hold onto its lousy plasma rifle! Why only two right hands? Why not include another left hand as well? Also what happened to the detailed base which was released in the "Cult Classics" line?
- Judging from the texture and feel of the Endoskeleton figure you can immediately tell it's made from cheap, low-grade [plastic] material. Who in their right mind would agree to pay for that?
- I just noticed this but the figure isn't balanced well. The Endoskeleton's right shoulder is visibly higher than its left shoulder. Even the (open/close flaps) "shoulder blades" aren't proportionate as well (the left one is higher than the right one). Also the arms are placed in such a way that it looks like the Endoskeleton is hunched over and not standing upright.

The Ugly:- I immediately noticed that the Endoskeleton's eyes were sculpted and painted in a way that it looked like it was looking "upwards". I've seen all the photographs of this figure with the eyes staring out from the center. Can anyone explain why NECA decided to have all their Endos peering towards the sky?

- Seeing photos of the Endoskeleton with its jaw open, I immediately had to try it. Much to my dismay, the jaw had trouble staying open. After "playing" with the jaw for some time, it finally stayed open. However, I noticed the left-side wire around its jaw was sculpted a bit short. It wasn't that big of a deal, but then I began noticing a whole bunch of other flaws.

- When the T-800 is facing forward, the neck is already turned to the left. I've tried moving the neck back into the correct position, but to no avail. This also prevents the Endoskeleton from turning its head to the left.
- On the right-hand side of the Endoskeleton's chest area, the long wire wasn't properly connected to the "hole". I tried to move it back into place, but it was already glued out of place. (Great quality control there guys!).

- What really annoyed me was the pre-posed right hand. It's sculpted to hold the (only accessory) plasma rifle and yet it actually can't! What's the point of including accessories that don't even work? Even the plasma rifle accessory isn't straight, but curved. That's just really lame.
I purchased the "T-800 {Endoskeleton}" figure online via eBay for a total of $21.89. I recommend searching through eBay for better deals (but recently noticed that eBay sellers are trying hard to jack people). Go check out (both links bring you to the same website). I think they have the best deal out there so far, and from my experience with them, they ship on time and package your items in a secure manner. Also, check out if you want to purchase the entire set. They're pretty good about packaging and sending out item in a timely manner, but they seem to get their items later than other electronic retailers.
Overall, the T-800 {Endoskeleton} is a huge disappointment. For those who've already purchased the Endoskeleton from the "Cult Classics" line, you guys got the better deal. For those of you who haven't purchased it, you can find it on eBay. Don't even bother getting the re-released/"re-tooled" Endo. This is definitely not worth the money.
Eagerly anticipating any news of additional Resident Evil 5 figures for this summer, I was bitterly disappointed to discover that NECA was releasing "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" figures. I recall NECA having already done "Terminator 2" in their "Cult Classics" line with their T-800 Endoskeleton several years earlier. However, after reading about other collectors' eager anticipation towards the T2 line and seeing photographs of the already packaged figures, curiosity got the better of me, and I ended up purchasing the "T-800 {Pescadero Escape}" figure. Lucky for me, I made a wise decision.
Flavor Text:
Specs: Model T-800 {Pescadero Escape}
- Under direct orders from John Connor, the T-800 sets out to rescue Sarah Connor from Pescadero State Hospital where she has been institutionalized for 10 years.
- Armed with a Winchester Shotgun the T-800 fights off the liquid metal T-1000, an advanced new prototype programmed to kill John. Ironically the same model Terminator that was once sent to kill Sarah has now come to protect John and reunite mother & son."

The Good:- The level of detail on the T-800 {Pescadero Escape} figure is nothing short of amazing. The sculpt of the texture of the leather "biker" jacket looks quite real (it's made of plasticized rubber). There are even bullet holes in the back of Arnold's jacket (as seen in Terminator 2: Judgment Day)! Even the "belt buckle" parts of the leather jacket (at the bottom) are sculpted further enhancing the accuracy and realism of the on-screen character's clothing. The creases in the T-800's black shirt and pants are (as usual) superbly sculpted.
- The facial sculpt of Arnold's portrayal of the T-800 is just amazing. From the creases in his forehead down to his frown just screams "Arnold Schwarzenegger"! Even the sunglasses actually look good on his face.
- A total of 10 points of articulation: ball-jointed neck, ball-jointed shoulders, ball-jointed (hinged/swivel) elbows, swivel wrists, and swivel waist. Of all the articulation, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the highly detailed T-800 {Pescadero Escape} figure sported ball-jointed (both hinged and swivel) elbows. I hope this comes standard for all their figures.
- I was pleasantly surprised to see that paint application wasn't a problem this time.
The Bad:
- The T-800 {Pescadero Escape} comes with only one accessory: the Winchester Shotgun. It would've been nice to have included a pistol that was tucked in his front shirt (as in the movie). Also, additional pre-posed hands would've been really nice. Throw in a detailed base, and we're set. **Actually there's two accessories, if you include the "interchangeable head" (the T-800's head is interchangeable with any other T-800 [Arnold] figure!).**
- Despite the fact that the T-800 comes with approximately 12 points of articulation, I couldn't help but wish for a little more articulation, say, in the legs and knees.
- The T-800's left wrist refused to "swivel". After some persuasive pushing, it started to move, but not that much. I've read online of how to "un-stick" those joints, but I didn't pay for this figure to get extra work.
- The T-800 has a slight (balance) problem while standing up. It looks like he's somehow standing on his "tippie toes".
The Ugly:
- If you examine the pictures below, you'll notice that there's a giant "block" of plastic where the earpieces (on both sides) of the sunglasses are. The black paint is masterfully applied to the "flesh-colored" plastic "block" to designate that as part of the sunglasses. From far away, it's invisible to the naked eye. However, upclose, you can see the blocky ugliness (this also ruins the superb facial sculpt of the T-800's face).
I purchased the "T-800 {Pescadero Escape}" figure online via eBay for a total of $24.69. I recommend searching through eBay for better deals (but recently noticed that eBay sellers are trying hard to jack people). Go check out (both links bring you to the same website). I think they have the best deal out there so far, and from my experience with them, they ship on time and package your items in a secure manner. Also, check out if you want to purchase the entire set. They're pretty good about packaging and sending out item in a timely manner, but they seem to get their items later than other electronic retailers.
Overall, the T-800 {Pescadero Escape} is an absolute "must-have" figure for any adult collector. The meticulous level of detail can be found all over this figure (from the "Arnold Schwarzenegger" likeness down to the detailed creases in his jeans). The only thing that keeps this figure from being the best figure is the lack of accessories. However, this T-800 renews my faith in NECA's action figure lines.
I've heard of Kaiyodo's Revoltech and their mecha (robot/machine) articulated figures. Unfortunately, I had no interest in owning any robot figures ever since the fourth grade. However, when I heard that Kaiyodo was debuting what they called "Fraulein Revoltech" figures, I was intrigued. "Fraulein" is German for "young lady". Kaiyodo's Revoltech line features monthly releases of approximately 6-inch action figures of female characters from well-known anime, illustrators, and video games. The man behind the sculpts of these (Fraulein) figures is Tomohide Enoki. Revoltech Fraulein figures utilize the "E.L.F." joint system in combination with Revoltech joints allowing their figures to make a variety of poses. When I heard news of the Fraulein Revoltech series introducing Yoko from the anime "Gurren Lagann," I knew I had to get my hands on one.
Background Info:
Yoko is a 14 year old girl who comes from the neighboring village of Littner. Her underground village was originally an arms depot which caused some sort of toxic atmosphere forcing the villagers to the surface. Unfortunately, like a fish jumping out of one frying pan into another, the villagers would come to face another hazard, Gunmen. Gunmen are mecha (robot/machines), individually controlled and piloted by Beastmen. These Beastmen are charged with the indiscriminate slaughter of all humans who reach the surface. Yoko is the undisputed master of the sniper rifle, which she uses all the time in her battles against the Gunmen. She is well-known for her sexy appearance: bikini top, short shorts, scarf-like neck covering, pink stockings, and over-sized boots with large zippers.
The Good:- It's Yoko from the anime "Gurren Lagann"!
- Yoko has a total of 23 points of articulation!
- She comes loaded with accessories: 2 interchangeable faces (1x smiling face and 1x angry-looking face), 2 front hair pieces (1x front "regular" hair piece and 1x front hair piece with goggles), a superconducting sniper rifle, 2 sniper rifle stands (1x "folded" and 1x "opened"), 9 optional hands, and 1 figure display stand.

- The details on Yoko are simply amazing: the scarf-like neck covering, her flowing red hair, her sizzling bikini top, and even her short shorts! I was impressed with the superb detailing on Yoko's belt (especially the metal studs that go around the entire belt).
- Don't get me wrong, but the sculpt of Yoko's hips, bust, and butt are superb!

- All of Yoko's optional face and optional hand parts fit perfectly and fit quite tightly.

- There's something about the sculpt that makes Yoko look very cute in any pose.
The Bad:
- Yoko's goofy-looking smiling face is the only bad thing about this entire figure. Pictures of her smiling on the packaging and on the Internet don't look as goofy. But trust me on this, in person, it really looks weird.
- I had a really hard time placing Yoko's optional hands onto her plastic stumps due to her joints. Each time I almost had the optional hand in, the joint moved at the last second, forcing me to repeat the entire procedure (yes, the amount of skill and patience does make it feel like a procedure).
- Despite all this, Yoko has a hard time standing up on her own. I suspect this has to do with Yoko's long red hair and quite possibly her small feet. However, at least Kaiyodo was savvy enough to include a display stand.
- Each time you move a certain joint (neck/legs/wrists/ankles), it makes a clicking noise. This is probably due to those Revoltech/"E.L.F." joints. It may be annoying to some and may mean nothing to others, but I just wanted to make note of that.
The Ugly:
- I really didn't want to write anything under this heading because I love this figure a lot, but there's unfortunately one small, but glaring problem. The "opened" sniper rifle stand accessory doesn't fit the peg hole of the superconducting sniper rifle. I nearly snapped the "opened" sniper rifle stand trying to fit it into the hole.
I purchased Kaiyodo's Fraulein Revoltech Series No. 10: Yoko from for a total of $27.75. I've just checked their website and (no surprise), they're sold out of Yokos. I recommend searching through eBay for better deals (but be warned, there are lot of sellers out there selling counterfeits). I'd also recommend checking out Toyslogic. Just remember though, the two sites I've recommended usually charge cheaper prices when you pre-order with them. As a last resort, I'd check out if you can't purchase Yoko from the previous two online stores. Although they're pretty good about packaging and sending out item in a timely manner, they seem to charge a lot more for imported items.
Overall, Kaiyodo's Fraulein Revoltech Series No. 10: Yoko action figure is probably my most favorite from their line so far. The unbelievable amount of articulation and accessories makes this figure worthwhile. The only thing I hope sculptor Tomohide Enoki fixes is Yoko's smiling face. That and enlarge the peg hole to fit the sniper rifle "opened" stand. This is one hell of a sculpt that will please fan-favorites and female action figure lovers alike!
Having experienced one extremely positive review and one of the exact opposite, I was wary of the final figure from the Resident Evil 5 Series One: the Executioner Majini. Good thing too, because I definitely had mixed feelings towards this figure. An interesting thing to note: the word "Majini" is plural in Swahili which refers to any number of supernatural creatures (demons, fairies, genies, etc.), but can also mean "wicked people". It is also similar to the Japanese word "majin," which refers to "magical being" or a demonic or evil entity.
Flavor Text:
"The world has learned the meaning of terror. A decade after the events of Raccoon City, the evil Umbrella Corporation has been destroyed but the effects of its horrific creations still linger. Gripped in fear of another biological incident, world governments formed the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, determined to stem the spread of biological attacks. Now, Agent Chris Redfield has been sent to Africa to investigate reports of a new more dangerous outbreak. Joined by his partner, Sheva Alomar, both must work together to discover what's really happening and stop whoever is continuing Umbrella's evil legacy."
"An enormous Majini who swings around an axe constructed of an iron pole and a guillotine blade. He considers anyone who denies [Plaga] implantation and executes them. He is extremely tough and will not fall from a few gunshots."
"Name: Executioner Majini
Age: -
Height: 235 cm
Weight: 130 kg
Sex: Male
Org.: -"
"Confidential File - 03"
The Good:
- The level of detail on the Executioner Majini is just amazing. The dark areas where the eyes should be are eerily done in accurate fashion. The sculpt of the bloody nails hammered all over his head and upper torso is just breathtaking. If that's not enough, check out the two big-ass bloody nails going through his back, which is (probably) keeping his stitches together. Although the material of the "torn" apron feels cheap, the overall look fits well with the figure.
- The level of detail on the guillotine blade is just superb! The sharp edges of the blade covered in blood and the sculpted chains is just outstanding. Even the paint application is done quite nicely (further enhancing the superb sculpt).
- The pole part of the Executioner's axe fits snugly into the socket of the guillotine blade and can also be removed just as easily.
The Bad:
- The Executioner has the least amount of articulation from this group (a total of 13). Why does it always seem that RE enemies have the least amount of articulation? His limited articulation reminds me of NECA's archaic days of "swivel arms and hips" articulation. Not very pretty. It would've been nice to have at least a ball-jointed neck and ab-crunch implemented in the Executioner's design. Some joints allowing leg movement would've also made some sense, after all the Executioner's got to chase little runts like Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar around. However, I'm glad the Executioner didn't suffer from the "male" cameltoe as poor Chris did.
- I had a hard time turning the Executioner's head towards the right-side (I just noticed that the sculpt of his hood is getting in the way of the giant nail stuck in his back).
- The Executioner has trouble keeping his balance with his heavy guillotine-bladed axe. Due to the weight of his axe, I was limited to only a small number of threatening poses.
- Lack of accessories (I know that the Executioner is only seen with his axe). But, it would've been a nice touch, if NECA included an additonal set of hands, especially of one where he has the "choke hold" grip. A dusty-looking detailed base would've also been a nice addition.
- The "meat-hooks" that are placed on the back the Executioner's belt keeps moving around, getting in the way. I would've preferred those damned things to be glued in place (it drives me crazy each time I place the Executioner in a different pose and I end up somehow touching those "meat-hooks").
- It would've been nice to see smaller patched up scars sculpted onto the Executioner's body (not just one huge scar).
- I would've also liked to see a more "game-accurate" sculpt of the pole of the guillotine-bladed axe. The plastic brown stick cheapens the highly detailed sculpt of the Executioner.
- The paint application of the Executioner's apron seems a bit off. I'm pretty sure it was black, and not gray.

The Ugly:
- Lack of articulation. I mention this again, because NECA really dropped the ball here. The swivel waist just seems so archaic and out of place for a supposedly "articulated" figure. An "ab-crunch" joint would've been the better decision. It was ambitious of NECA to sculpt the Executioner, but to leave him with minimal articulation is just a slap in the face for collectors and RE fans alike.
- The Executioner's skinny forearms really bothered me. Here's this hulking brute with big-ass shoulders, but he has really skinny forearms. Does that even make any sense? Take a close look at "roid-rage" Chris; he has big shoulders and big forearms to match.
I purchased the entire RE 5 Series One online via eBay for a total of $52.99. I recommend searching through eBay for better deals (but recently noticed that eBay sellers are trying hard to jack people). Go check out (both links bring you to the same website). I think they have the best deal out there so far, and from my experience with them, they ship on time and package your items in a secure manner. Also, check out if you want to purchase the entire set. They're pretty good about packaging and sending out item in a timely manner, but they seem to get their items later than other electronic retailers.
Overall, the Executioner Majini is a disappointment. I know most (okay, ALL) of my suggestions require more materials and involve higher costs, but if a collectibles company wants to produce authentic (or "game-accurate") figures, then it's best to go all in. Sure, the price would be shifted onto consumers, but that's already a given. Produce high-quality figures, charge higher prices. I grow tired of shelling out money for incomplete figures. I really do. Although the Executioner Majini isn't nearly as good as the Chris Redfield figure, I suspect many collectors and RE fans alike will want to make him a part of their collection. After all, who else will Chris want to play with?
After being totally blown away by the Chris Redfield figure, I was definitely looking towards reviewing the remaining Resident Evil 5 Series One figures. This time, it's Sheva Alomar. Interestingly, what NECA got right with Chris Redfield, they fucked up with Sheva Alomar and vice versa.
Flavor Text:
"The world has learned the meaning of terror. A decade after the events of Raccoon City, the evil Umbrella Corporation has been destroyed but the effects of its horrific creations still linger. Gripped in fear of another biological incident, world governments formed the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, determined to stem the spread of biological attacks. Now, Agent Chris Redfield has been sent to Africa to investigate reports of a new more dangerous outbreak. Joined by his partner, Sheva Alomar, both must work together to discover what's really happening and stop whoever is continuing Umbrella's evil legacy."

"Sheva Alomar lost her parents in an accident at an Umbrella factory when she was very young. Later she discovered that her parents' deaths were not merely an accident but the result of fatal biological experiments. Sheva moved to the US and joined B.S.A.A. She was promoted to agent after 8 months of training for practical combat. Due to the disappearance of many of her colleagues she ventures into the deepest regions of Africa to uncover the mystery around Umbrella and the most recent outbreaks."
"Name: Sheva Alomar
Age: 23
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Sex: Female
Org.: B.S.A.A.West Africa Division"
"Confidential File - 01"
The Good:- Sheva has no problem gripping her handgun or knife. If you examine those accessories carefully, you'll notice that the handle part of both the handgun and knife is actually thicker than normal (it also helps that Sheva's hands are sculpted in a "tighter" formation).
- Sheva's holster actually works! You can close it with her handgun tucked inside (unlike Chris Redfield's).

The Bad:- Sloppy paint application and stray marks. There are strange black marks all over her body (joints, arms, neck, face, etc). The paint application on Sheva's lips make her look like she's tight-lipped about something (not very attractive).
- Sheva's blank expression. She's spacing out, staring off into space (kind of like what I do at work, don't tell my boss!). At least Chris has a serious expression.
- Lack of accessories (Sheva only comes with a knife, sniper rifle, and a pistol). For a figure that is touted as "game-accurate," it's certainly missing a lot of weapons.
- Lack of articulation (unlike the Chris Redfield figure). The figure is touted to have 20 points of articulation, but the joints used just perplex the hell out of me. Instead of duplicating the "ab-crunch" joint (found in Chris Redfield), Sheva gets a quasi-ball-jointed waist (and I really mean "quasi"). The "ab-crunch" joint could've gone right under Sheva's breasts. Also what is up with the swivel elbows? Not only does it limit Sheva's posing capability, but it makes her look very awkward. Instead, Sheva's arms should be sculpted slightly larger and insert ball-joints (again, as found in the Chris Redfield figure).
- I wish Sheva's front part of her hair would be a separate "rubberized" plastic (similar to Leon Kennedy's hair in Resident Evil 4 Series One).
- The straps that are sculpted onto Sheva's back, look particularly nasty. It would've been a better idea to have "rubberized" plastic (like Jill Valentine's shoulder pads from Resident Evil 10th Anniversary Series One) straps glued on.

- I really hoped that Sheva's earpiece would be a separate piece of "rubberized" plastic rather than having it permanently sculpted onto her face. (I understand why it was done like that, but a collector can hope).
- FYI, Sheva's bust is bigger than what was sculpted. Just pointing that out.

The Ugly:- NECA still has trouble accurately sculpting female faces. There is no resemblance of Sheva in her facial sculpt whatsoever. You know, after sculpting a bunch of female figures, you'd think NECA would get it right, but no.
- The presence of the cameltoe is very disturbing and quite an unsightly piece of plastic that no collector should ever see again.
- Just note, when you open both of Sheva's legs (aka, when she does a split), you'll notice that the letter "R" and the letter "L" are carved right inside the leg area. This is so the factory workers know which leg goes where. For collectors like me, it just looks unprofessional and just plain ugly. Chris Redfield didn't have it, so why does Sheva Alomar?
I purchased the entire RE 5 Series One online via eBay for a total of $52.99. I recommend searching through eBay for better deals (but recently noticed that eBay sellers are trying hard to jack people). Go check out (both links bring you to the same website). I think they have the best deal out there so far, and from my experience with them, they ship on time and package your items in a secure manner. Also, check out if you want to purchase the entire set. They're pretty good about packaging and sending out item in a timely manner, but they seem to get their items later than other electronic retailers.
Overall, Sheva Alomar is a disappointment. I know most (okay, ALL) of my suggestions require more materials and involve higher costs, but if a collectibles company wants to produce authentic (or "game-accurate") figures, then it's best to go all in. Sure, the price would be shifted onto consumers, but that's already a given. Produce high-quality figures, charge higher prices. I grow tired of shelling out money for half-assed figures. I really do. After reviewing the Chris Redfield figure, I expect the same if not even better level of detail for the remaining figures of Resident Evil 5 Series One. I don't recommend getting Sheva, unless you're a completionist.